Moderation is the best thing – – Cleobulus Quote – Small – Paperweight – Pure Bronze Statue

Moderation is the best thing – – Cleobulus Quote – Small – Paperweight – Pure Bronze Statue


Current price is: $35.92. Original price was: $44.90.

Current price is: $35.92. Original price was: $44.90.

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SKU: E8TGT02YNOUC Category:

Product Description

Item Specifics

Condition: New, Made in Greece.
Material: Pure Bronze
Height: 5 cm – 2 inches
Width: 6,5 cm – 2,6 inches
Weight: 180 g

Cleobulus was a Greek poet and a native of Lindos. He is one of the Seven Sages of Greece.
Plato highlighted both the importance and difficulty of moderation in The Republic, where he defined it as the virtue that allows us to control or temper our passions, emotions and desires. For all their differences, Platos wisdom was not lost on his most important disciple, Aristotle. In the Nicomachean Ethics, he defined virtue as a mean between extremes, and insisted that a master of any art avoids excess and defect, always seeking the intermediate that preserves order and freedom in society. Yet since the mean is never one-dimensional, we must always assess and evaluate the context of our choices in order to decide on the appropriate course of action at the right time, in the right place, and with regard to the right people. To achieve all this, one needs both prudence and moderation, yet there is no algorithm for them; moderation can be learned and gained only through experience and practice. It is a challenging virtue, not suitable to the young who lack knowledge and patience.